
Oniverse is committed to reporting the environmental impacts of its business, striving to improve constantly and minimise them.


In the Code of Ethics, the Group has clarified how, in this context, its efforts seek to minimise the environmental impact with a series of measures implemented during all phases and the entire life cycle of its products, from design, production, distribution and retail through to end use.

In 2019, these commitments received a new boost following adhesion to the Fashion Pact, under the scope of which the Group is working to achieve shared objectives by which to halt global warming, restore biodiversity and protect the oceans.

Our objectives and progress

86% renewable energy 76% of renewable electricity (18 thousand tonnes of 91.000 tCO2e  avoided)

Goal 2022:65%
by 2030

We are committed to zeroing deforestation by 2025

reforested hectares
FSC certified paper

Reduction of disposable plastic

disposable plastic in the industrial and transport processes
of our packaging is in paper and cardboard

Oniverse has decided to analyse all phases of the production chain in order to identify its critical aspects. The reporting makes it possible to understand the problems and thus define a strategy aimed at reducing the environmental impact.

The priority aspects


Traceability, ethics and composition

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Energy and buildings

Energy consumption and emissions

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Water consumption

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Recycling and waste

Classification and correct treatment

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Calzedonia and the WWF

Following the start in 2021, in 2022 the collaboration continued with the WWF.The target set has been surpassed with 3,119,152.80 m2 having been cleaned up, 82 interventions and 4,690.85 kg of rubbish collected. The cleaning projects are significant but the efforts need to go further, solving the problem at the root, to prevent the plastic from reaching our seas.

Thus, together with the WWF and Marche Polytechnic University, we have launched a study aiming to analyse the impact of the release of microplastics in the swimwear production chain, starting with the dyeing of fabrics, followed by its use in the sea and through to washing at home.

The collaboration aims to answer various questions:

  • How many microplastics are released during the fabric dyeing phase?
  • What washing method causes the least release of microplastics?
  • How many microplastics are released when using swimwear?
  • Are there devices that can limit the release of microplastics when washing the items at home?
  • How should any microplastics collected when washing at home be best disposed of?

Once these questions have been answered, we will be able to improve our understanding of the variables that most impact the release of microplastics. Following this, action will be planned to minimise the issue and raise awareness amongst all chain players.

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