Knowing and appreciating
Careful and fair handling

The Group’s context has always been characterised by a prevalently female component, but we are very much aware that this alone cannot suffice to define us a company that guarantees Gender Equality.


Fair, careful management of the people employed (regardless of gender or other physical or social conditions) is possible through knowledge and appreciation of the conditions of all people working for and with us. 

The value of diversity

It is also a well-known fact that companies that manage to group people of different genders, ages or cultural and professional backgrounds into their teams achieve greater productivity and perform better than more homogeneous contexts.

Mid-2023, we made our commitment even more official by launching the certification project according to reference national practices (UNI/PDR125:2022).

It consist of the Steering Committee, in charge of managing the UNI PDR Management System, which you can see by clicking on the button below:

And the Gender Equality Policy has been drafted, one of the key documents that, together with our Values and Code of Ethics, seeks to declare the Group’s commitments and thus also communicate exactly what we expect from those wishing to work with us:

Confirming the commitments in this direction, the Group's five main Italian companies obtained in March 2024 the Certification on Gender Equality.


The Group has always been committed to valuing people, and thanks to this project it will be able to take a further step in this direction.